LED blinking patterns

The blinking of the LED on the board is used to indicate the state of the board. There are two colors of the LED - green and red. The LED can be solid or blinking. The LED is blinking with a period of 500ms. The pattern of blinking is as follows:

state description CiA402 state green red
init initialisaiotn in process NotReadyToSwitchOn blinks blinks
preop waiting to connect to the master to start the operation SwitchOnDisabled,ReadyToSwitchOn,SwitchedOn solid off
preop + warning + a warning SwitchOnDisabled,ReadyToSwitchOn,SwitchedOn solid blinks
op connected to the master and oprational OperationEnabled solid off
op + warning + a warning OperationEnabled solid blinks
fault error state - actuator turned off ( not recoverable ) Fault off solid
fault_reaction turning off the actuator on error FaultReactionActive off blinks
quick_stop_reaction turning off the actuator after the emergency stop actiavated QuickStopActive solid solid

Example of LED led states

LED blinking pattern LED blinking pattern
Operational state Quick (emergency) stop reaction state
Green LED is ON Both LEDs are ON