Firmware 1.0 communication structure

The input/output communication protocol follows the CiA402 design specification can be found here: dsp402.pdf

Here is a summary of the commonly used PDO structures:

Here is the chosen structure of the PDOs. They now follow relatively well the CiA4 standard. The Indexes correspond to the indexes in the standard and the sub-indexes correspond to the axis of the actuaror 2 axis for orbita2d and 3 axis for orbita 3d.

  • OrbitaIn (RxPdo) - Master to Slave
  • OrbitaState (TxPdo) - Slave to Master
  • OrbitaOut (TxPdo) - Slave to Master
Attribute OrbitaIn (RxPdo) OrbitaState (TxPdo) OrbitaOut (TxPdo)
address 1000 1200 1300
name OrbitaIn OrbitaState OrbitaOut
write frequency 1kHz 10Hz 1kHz
orbita2d size 43 Bytes 31 Bytes 27 Bytes
orbita3d size 63 Bytes 45 Bytes 39 Bytes

Some important notes - LAN9252 limits the number of PDO objects supported to 4, so we could potentially add one more PDO object to the list. - LAN9252 limits the number of bytes that can be written to its memory at once to 64 bytes (otherwise we need to write the data in 64B chunks). This is why the size of the PDOs is important and they are all under 64 bytes. - Therea are two types of Sync Managers (sm_type) used with the firmware for EtherCAT communiction: BUFFERED and MAILBOX. The BUFFERED type is used for the OrbitaIn PDOs, because we want to send the data as fast as possible. The MAILBOX type is used for the OrbitaState and OrbitaOut PDOs, because we want to send the data at a slower rate. BUFFERED type buffers the data in the master and we do not see any potential data loss if the slave is not able to read/write the data in time. MAILBOX type uses a handshake mechanism to ensure that the data is received by the master and is mostly used for punctual data that is not time sensitive.

OrbitaIn (RxPdo) - Master to Slave

Entry Name Entry Type Index Sub-Index
controlword UINT16 0x6041 -
mode_of_operation UINT8 0x6060 -
target_position REAL 0x607A 1, 2, ... (up to orbita_type)
target_velocity REAL 0x60FF 1, 2, ... (up to orbita_type)
velocity_limit REAL 0x607F 1, 2, ... (up to orbita_type)
target_torque REAL 0x6071 1, 2, ... (up to orbita_type)
torque_limit REAL 0x6072 1, 2, ... (up to orbita_type)

OrbitaState (TxPdo) - Slave to Master

Entry Name Entry Type Index Sub-Index
error_code UINT16 0x603F 0 (homing), 1,2, .. (up to orbita_type)
actuator_type UINT8 0x6402 -
axis_position_zero_offset REAL 0x607C 1, 2, ... (up to orbita_type)
board_temperatures REAL 0x6500 1, 2, ... (up to orbita_type)
motor_temperatures REAL 0x6501 1, 2, ... (up to orbita_type)

OrbitaOut (TxPdo) - Slave to Master

Entry Name Entry Type Index Sub-Index
statusword UINT16 0x6040 -
mode_of_operation_display UINT8 0x6061 -
actual_position REAL 0x6064 1, 2, ... (up to orbita_type)
actual_velocity REAL 0x606C 1, 2, ... (up to orbita_type)
actual_torque REAL 0x6077 1, 2, ... (up to orbita_type)
actual_axis_position REAL 0x6063 1, 2, ... (up to orbita_type)