Installation and configuration

The crate is written in Rust and is communicating difectly wit the EtherCAT IgH Master. It uses the rust wrapper crate ethercat-rs and builds on top of it to provide a more user friendly interface to the user.

Downoload the code

You can obtain the code by cloning the repository.

  • Clone the repo
    git clone

Check out the branches that you need, depending on the poulpe firmware version that you are using.

firmware_poulpe version poulpe_etehract_controller version
v0.9.x 0.9.x
v1.0.x 1.0.x or higher
v1.5.x 1.5.x

For example if you are using the v1.5.x firmware version you should check out the 1.5.x branch:

git checkout 1.5.x

Building the code

The crate is written in Rust and uses the cargo build system. All the dependencies are managed by the cargo build system, except for the EtherCAT IgH Master.

So the main dependencies are:

Once you have all the dependencies installed you can build the code with:

cargo build --release


Once when you have everything installed you and before you can run the code you need to configure the poulpe boards on the network if they are not already configured. The configuration is done with the EtherCAT network configuration files. The configuration files are located in the config directory.

Here is the guide to configure the poulpe boards on the network.

Running the code

Once you have the ethercat master running and you connected your poulpe board to the network, you can run the code. See the Running the code docs for more info.

Table of contents

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