Python GRPC client for comunicating with Ethercat Master

See more info on installing the client in the Installation and configuration docs.

Run the GRPC server

Make sure to run the GRPC server before running the client. This can be done using the following command:

$ cargo run --release ../config/file/here.yaml

Simple example

from poulpe_ethercat_py import PyPoulpeRemoteClient
import time

slave_id = 0

print('Connecting on slave: {}'.format(slave_id))
# Create an instance of the client
client = PyPoulpeRemoteClient("", [slave_id], 0.001)


print("Connected slaves to master: {}".format(client.get_connected_devices()))

print("Slave {} compliancy is: {}".format(slave_id, client.get_torque_state(slave_id)))
print("Slave {} current position: {}".format(slave_id, client.get_position_actual_value(slave_id)))
which might output something like:
Connecting on slave: 0
Connected slaves to master: ([0], ['NeckOrbita3d'])
Slave 0 compliancy is: True
Slave 0 current position: [-0.0011222249595448375, 3.743586057680659e-05, 6.8065196501265746e-06]


The full software API can be found here