:mod:`reachy.parts` =================== .. py:module:: reachy.parts .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Reachy parts submodule. Used to define all parts in Reachy: * :py:class:`RightArm`, :py:class:`LeftArm` * :py:class:`~reachy.parts.hand.ForceGripper` * :py:class:`Head` Submodules ---------- .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :maxdepth: 1 arm/index.rst hand/index.rst head/index.rst kinematic/index.rst motor/index.rst part/index.rst Package Contents ---------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: reachy.parts.LeftArm reachy.parts.RightArm reachy.parts.Head .. class:: LeftArm(io, hand=None) Bases: :py:obj:`Arm` Left Arm part. :param io: port name where the modules can be found :type io: str :param hand: name of the :py:class:`~reachy.parts.hand.Hand` to attach ('force_gripper', 'orbita_wrist' or it can be None if no hand are attached) :type hand: str .. attribute:: dxl_motors .. class:: RightArm(io, hand=None) Bases: :py:obj:`Arm` Right Arm part. :param io: port name where the modules can be found :type io: str :param hand: name of the :py:class:`~reachy.parts.hand.Hand` to attach ('force_gripper', 'orbita_wrist' or it can be None if no hand are attached) :type hand: str .. attribute:: dxl_motors .. class:: Head(io) Bases: :py:obj:`reachy.parts.part.ReachyPart` Head part. :param io: port name where the modules can be found :type io: str :param default_camera: default camera to enable ('left' or 'right') :type default_camera: str Composed of an orbita actuator as neck, two controlled antennas and one camera. .. attribute:: orbita_config .. attribute:: dxl_motors .. method:: __repr__(self) Head representation. .. method:: teardown(self) Clean and close head part. .. method:: look_at(self, x, y, z, duration, wait) Make the head look at a 3D point in space. :param x: x coordinates in space :type x: float :param y: y coordinates in space :type y: float :param z: z coordinates in space :type z: float :param duration: move duration (in seconds) :type duration: float :param wait: whether or not to wait for the end of the motion :type wait: bool .. method:: compliant(self) :property: Check if the neck is compliant. .. method:: moving_speed(self) :property: Get the current disk moving speed.