:mod:`reachy.utils.dxl_config` ============================== .. py:module:: reachy.utils.dxl_config .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Command line utility tool for configuring dynamixel motor. This tool let you configure one of the dynamixel motor used in Reachy. It can be used when you have to change a broken motor for instance. In more details, this tool will: * change the id * set the angle limits .. warning:: Make sure to have only one dynamixel motor connected when you configure it! Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: reachy.utils.dxl_config.main Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: reachy.utils.dxl_config.reachy_config .. data:: reachy_config .. function:: main() Run main dxl-config entry point.