Controllers inputs

Mappings between the VR controllers and the app

Oculus Quest

Oculus Quest controller mapping
NameFeature description
(A)At robot teleoperation start: Validate position and start robot teleoperation
During teleoperation: Return to menu
(B)At robot teleoperation start: Cancel and return to menu
(X)At robot teleoperation start: Validate position and start robot teleoperation
During teleoperation: Return to menu
(Y)At robot teleoperation start: Cancel and return to menu
During teleoperation: Show/Hide state panel (control of robot’s temperature)
Joystick leftDuring teleoperation: Control mobile base direction
Joystick rightDuring teleoperation: Control antennas' emotion
Index Trigger leftIn menu: Select button
During teleoperation: Control left gripper
Index Trigger rightIn menu: Select button
During teleoperation: Control right gripper
Middle finger Trigger leftDuring teleoperation: Use translation mode for mobility
Controller left position / orientationDuring teleoperation: Reachy’s left arm end effector position / orientation
Controller right position / orientationDuring teleoperation: Reachy’s right arm end effector position / orientation
Headset orientationDuring teleoperation: Reachy’s head orientation

Valve Index

Valve Index controller mapping
NameFeature description
(A)At robot teleoperation start: Validate position and start robot teleoperation
During teleoperation: Return to menu
(B)At robot teleoperation start: Cancel and return to menu
left (B) onlyDuring teleoperation: Show/Hide state panel (control of robot’s temperature)
Joystick leftDuring teleoperation: Control mobile base direction
Joystick rightDuring teleoperation: Control antennas' emotion
Index Trigger leftIn menu: Select button
During teleoperation: Control left gripper
Index Trigger rightIn menu: Select button
During teleoperation: Control right gripper
Controller left position / orientationDuring teleoperation: Reachy’s left arm end effector position / orientation
Controller right position / orientationDuring teleoperation: Reachy’s right arm end effector position / orientation
Headset orientationDuring teleoperation: Reachy’s head orientation
See legacy version

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