Teleoperate Reachy

How to use the VR teleoperation application

In brief

Start teleoperating Reachy

  1. Make sure the robot is turned on, connected to the network and that all the robot’s services are running before launching the teleoperation application.

  2. Select the robot you want to teleoperate (or create a new one), and click on “Connect”.

  3. When the robot is ready, click on “Click here to start”, then look straight ahead, with your body in the same orientation as your head while pressing A to start the teleoperation. The initial head position is used to determine the coordinate system giving your VR controllers position.

  1. Come back any time to menu by pressing A. Teleoperation of the robot is automatically paused if the menu is open. You can move to another place in menu.

Stop teleoperation

  1. Come back to the menu to pause the teleoperation by pressing A at any time during teleoperation.

  2. Leave the app by clicking “Quit” in the menu and continue with “Yes, leave.”.

The motors are automatically turned into compliant mode when not teleoperated. Please make sure the arms are close enough to the lowest position they can reach when coming back to the menu to avoid them falling or hitting something.

Step-by-step starting

  1. Prepare your VR equipment to be VR ready: turn on all VR device, make sure they are correctly detected by SteamVR.
    For Oculus Quest users: You need to launch the Oculus application before starting the teleoperation application.

  2. Make sure the robot is turned on, connected to the network and that all the robot services are running. By default, if you haven’t modified anything, all services should be automatically launched on start of the full/starter kit robots.

  3. Launch the application .exe file

  4. Equip yourself with your headset, make sure you can see both controllers and that the scene is moving correctly in accordance with your head movements.

  5. Choose the robot you want to connect to: you can select a robot with its IP address, or add a new one to the list of available robots.

Change robot to connect
Select robot to connect

  1. Press Connect to initiate the communication with the robot.
Connect to a robot
  1. Make sure the connection status in the top right of the menu is indicating “You are connected to a remote Reachy”.

  2. When Reachy is ready, click on “Click here to start”.

Start teleoperation
  1. Choose the place you want to teleoperate Reachy from, position your hand in the posture you want to begin with. C Look straight ahead, with your body in the same orientation as your head while pressing A. The initial head position is used to determine the coordinate system giving your VR controllers position.
Validate position before starting
  1. Come back any time to menu by pressing A. Teleoperation of the robot is automatically paused if the menu is open. You can move to another place until you validate a position.

Application features

Click on the robot to select to open the panel of all saved robots:

Select robot

Then click on “Add new robot +” at the bottom right of the page:

Add robot button

Enter a robot name and the IP address of the robot (if the headset is connected on a computer, use the computer keyboard), and save your robot card:
The IP address is mandatory. If no name is given to the new robot, it will be called @Reachy by default

Add robot panel

Click on the robot to select to open the panel of all saved robots:

Select robot

Then click on the pencil icon of the robot you want to modify:

Modify robot button

Modify the info on the robot card and save the card:

Modify robot panel

Click on the robot to select to open the panel of all saved robots:

Select robot

Then click on the bin icon of the robot you want to delete:

Delete robot button

Validate the deletion:

Delete robot panel

Click on “Ports information” in the connection menu, below the Connect button.

Connect page

Find there the info of all the gRPC ports used. You can also modify then if you made changed on your robot:

Check ports information

Disable the “Always show on start” toggle at the bottom of the best practice page:

Disable automatic best practice

Click on the guide at the top right of the menu:

Access best practice

Go to the help menu:

Access best practice

Switch mobility to off on the button located at the bottom left

Mobility button
See legacy version

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