
Trajectory utility package.

Provides goto and goto_async functions. They let you easily create and compose movements on joint coordinates.

reachy_sdk.trajectory.goto(goal_positions, duration, starting_positions=None, sampling_freq=100, interpolation_mode=<function linear>)

Send joints command to move the robot to a goal_positions within the specified duration.

This function will block until the movement is over. See goto_async for an asynchronous version.

The goal positions is expressed in joints coordinates. You can use as many joints target as you want. The duration is expressed in seconds. You can specify the starting_position, otherwise its current position is used, for instance to start from its goal position and avoid bumpy start of move. The sampling freq sets the frequency of intermediate goal positions commands. You can also select an interpolation method use (linear or minimum jerk) which will influence directly the trajectory.

async reachy_sdk.trajectory.goto_async(goal_positions, duration, starting_positions=None, sampling_freq=100, interpolation_mode=<function linear>)

Send joints command to move the robot to a goal_positions within the specified duration.

This function is asynchronous and will return a Coroutine. This can be used to easily combined multiple gotos. See goto for an blocking version.

The goal positions is expressed in joints coordinates. You can use as many joints target as you want. The duration is expressed in seconds. You can specify the starting_position, otherwise its current position is used, for instance to start from its goal position and avoid bumpy start of move. The sampling freq sets the frequency of intermediate goal positions commands. You can also select an interpolation method use (linear or minimum jerk) which will influence directly the trajectory.

