Expand description
C API for the controller module of the Orbita3D library.
- orbita3d_
controller_ from_ config - Create the Orbita3dController from a config file.
- orbita3d_
disable_ torque - Disable the controller (turn off the motors)
- orbita3d_
emergency_ stop - Send the emergency stop signal to the controller
- orbita3d_
enable_ torque - Enable the controller (turn on the motors)
- orbita3d_
get_ axis_ sensor_ zeros - Get the raw axis sensor zeros
- orbita3d_
get_ axis_ sensors - Get the raw axis sensors values
- orbita3d_
get_ board_ state - Get the state of the board (BoardState - u8)
- orbita3d_
get_ board_ temperatures - Get the raw board temperatures
- orbita3d_
get_ control_ mode - Get the control mode ( CiA402 control mode - u8) : 1 - Profile Position Mode, 3 - Profile Velocity Mode, 4 - Profile Torque Mode
- orbita3d_
get_ current_ orientation - Get the current orientation of the platform (quaternion)
- orbita3d_
get_ current_ rpy_ orientation - Get the current orientation of the platform (roll, pitch, yaw)
- orbita3d_
get_ current_ torque - Get the current torque applied by the actuator
- orbita3d_
get_ current_ velocity - Get the current velocity of the platform
- orbita3d_
get_ error_ codes - Get the error codes
- orbita3d_
get_ motor_ temperatures - Get the raw motor temperatures
- orbita3d_
get_ raw_ motors_ current - Get the raw motor current of the actuators
- orbita3d_
get_ raw_ motors_ pid_ gains - Get the current PID gains of the motors
- orbita3d_
get_ raw_ motors_ position - Get the raw motor position of the actuators
- orbita3d_
get_ raw_ motors_ torque_ limit - Get the current torque limit of the motors (0 - 1.0)
- orbita3d_
get_ raw_ motors_ velocity - Get the raw motor velocity of the actuators
- orbita3d_
get_ raw_ motors_ velocity_ limit - Get the current velocity of the motors (0 - 1.0)
- orbita3d_
get_ target_ orientation - Get the current target orientation of the platform (quaternion)
- orbita3d_
get_ target_ rpy_ orientation - Get the current target orientation of the platform (roll, pitch, yaw)
- orbita3d_
is_ torque_ on - Check if controller is activated (are the motors on)
- orbita3d_
set_ board_ state - Set the state of the board (BoardState - u8)
- orbita3d_
set_ control_ mode - Set the control mode ( CiA402 control mode - u8) : 1 - Profile Position Mode, 3 - Profile Velocity Mode, 4 - Profile Torque Mode
- orbita3d_
set_ raw_ motors_ pid_ gains - Set the current PID gains of the motors
- orbita3d_
set_ raw_ motors_ torque_ limit - Set the current torque limit of the motors (0 - 1.0)
- orbita3d_
set_ raw_ motors_ velocity_ limit - Set the current velocity of the motors (0 - 1.0)
- orbita3d_
set_ target_ orientation - Set the target orientation of the platform (quaternion)
- orbita3d_
set_ target_ orientation_ fb - Set the tatget orientation and return the current orientation (quaternion)
- orbita3d_
set_ target_ rpy_ orientation - Set the target orientation of the platform (roll, pitch, yaw)
- orbita3d_
set_ target_ rpy_ orientation_ fb - Set the tatget orientation and return the current orientation (roll, pitch, yaw)